April shows a significant drop in both imports (-1.8%) and exports (-0.6%), this is what emerges from the Istat report of 16 June 2017.
The reasons for the contraction of foreign trade are:
decrease in sales to non-EU markets (-4.9%)
increase in sales to EU markets (+0.7%)
Only the Energy sector showed a positive trend (+7.7%) while all the others declined.
The most affected sectors in exports: transport equipment (not motor vehicles), mineral (non-metallic) processing products and textiles. On the other hand, petroleum, pharmaceuticals, chemicals and botanicals increased.
In terms of imports, the situation is as follows: a sharp drop in transport equipment excluding motor vehicles and clothing. Energy and metal products (excluding machines and plants) increased.
The analysis of exports to the different geographical areas is summarised as follows, with only the Russia area leading the way:
OPEC countries -17.7%
Usa -9,6%
Uk -8%
- Russia +13,5%
Source: Istat report of 16 June 2017